CES were the principal contractor involved in a new bespoke water treatment system.

The plant was installed by us in both TATA Jamshedpur and TATA Port Talbot respectively, the plant was designed to remove iron from the water. The Hydro Iron Master then separated the oil from the water. The iron then goes through a drying process before being re-used within the steel making process. The waste oil is also recoverable with the water being recycled through the system to maximise efficiency.

The Jamshedpur plant had to be constructed in South Wales and then dismantled, sent to India where we then re-assembled the plant and commissioned on site.

The project was especially challenging when factoring in the sub-continental climate, tightening timeframes due to the changing temperatures and frequent rainfall.

Being in a high-risk environment meant that we had to ensure that our presence on site was used in a very efficient matter.

The project was completed on time and within budget.